This place was very pretty and not very expensive. I have heard some great reviews about the food and staff.
The guy we talked with was very nice and friendly and quoted about $140 for a Saturday night in April.
When you pulled it looks nice but there is not much of a main entrance. It has some gardens off to the back for pictures which looks nice.
The cocktail room is big and has plenty of seating for all the guests. It is very pretty and nicely set up.
The ballroom is pretty and has nice size dance floor. It has a big built in bar off to the back which was very nicely done. It has some light blue accents which I was not thrilled with.
I thought this was a great option for the money and they only do one wedding at a time which is nice. You get the whole place to yourself.
The only negatives I saw were the very basic and small bathrooms and the lack of appeal walking up to the front door.